monks' trail network
loop route
elevation gain 270 m
distance 5,7 klm
estimated time 2 hours
technical difficulty 2/5
An easy circular route that goes through the beautiful landscape of Nea Moni valley, an agroforestry landscape with geophysical, but also historical religious interest. Nea Moni is a Byzantine monastery declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its exquisite mosaic art. It is located in the center of the island of Chios, at the foot of Mount Provateio in a valley surrounded by terraced slopes and rocky heights, except for a small opening to the east.
An impressive wide stone-built trail ascends gently from Nea Moni with successive zigzags towards the Skete of the Holy Fathers, offering a delightful view to all directions. Then, following another mountain path and then a piece of dirt road, the route moves south towards Platanos. Afterwords, crossing the forest area of Trochala that has been naturally regenerated following the devastating fire of 2012, the route passes through Vasilika (translates as Royal) estates and returns to the monastery complex of Nea Moni.
Download the route track on your mobile in gpx or kml format or the map in pdf format, get your friends and let’s go!