monks' trail network
loop route
elevation gain 600 m
distance 9 klm
estimated time 4 hours
difficulty 3/5
Moderate difficulty circular hiking trail around Mount Provatas, with many points that can serve as starting points for your walk. Here, the route is presented starting and ending in the village of Avgonima in central Chios, where there are dining establishments and the possibility of accommodation in rental rooms. The route combines stone-built paths, hiking within a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, beautiful views, and a visit to the monasteries of the Agioi Pateres and Nea Moni.
Starting from Avgonyma and after walking a few hundred meters, initially through stone-built crossings and then on the Chios-Elinta provincial road, a gentle ascent begins through a dense forest of rugged pine trees that leads to the pass between mounts Provatas and Akritha. From there, the descent begins towards the Holy Fathers initially and then to Nea Moni, a declared UNESCO World Heritage Site for its architecture, mosaics, and wall paintings. This is followed by an ascent towards the northern foothills of mountains Provatas and hiking through the pine forest before reaching Avgonyma as the endpoint.
Download the route track on your mobile in gpx or kml format or the map in pdf format, get your friends and let’s go!